Saturday, March 23 — Forró Popular with Trio ImigraTrio and DJ MineiroNYC - Forró events

Saturday, March 23 — Forró Popular with Trio ImigraTrio and DJ MineiroNYC - Forró events | Forró.NYC

Saturday, March 23 — Forró Popular with Trio ImigraTrio and DJ MineiroNYC

Forró Popular apresenta: Carnaforró com ImigraTrio e DJ MineiroNYC. 

23 de Março 8PM - 2AM

- Aula de forró das 8:30 - 9:30

- Sorteio 

- Live music

- Food

►Tickets: early admission $15 

►Tickets at the door:$20

Venmo: @Forro-popularNY


 Centro espanol de Queens

41-01 Broadway 



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Guest list for next Forró Copacaba, August 6 at at 8pm to pay only 10 dollars after 9pm.

Or send a message on Instagram:

Forró in New York, Forró Copacabana, August 6 at 8PM