Forró Nacional. A crowded first day - Forró events

Forró Nacional. A crowded first day - Forró events | Forró.NYC

Forró Nacional. A crowded first day

The opening night of forró nacional with great audience. 

There were many people present in the first night of Forró Nacional, with up to one hundred people who came out to dance on this great event on the 28th of April. It is the participation of people who make the forró scene in NYC great, with both forró instructors and forró lovers present in this big event.








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Guest list for next Forró Copacaba, August 6 at at 8pm to pay only 10 dollars after 9pm.

Or send a message on Instagram:

Forró in New York, Forró Copacabana, August 6 at 8PM